My adult (40+) child procrastinates and avoids doing simple things in a timely way to address current situations or opportunities. Result: her career has stagnated for 15 years, her auto was confiscated, and she has serious health issues. All could have been addressed and prevented / rescued easily at the appropriate time.
I simply like too many things. I wish to learn a lot, see many people – go outside, be inside, read a book, write a book – everything. The days are too short, but I enjoy sleep too much. I wish to work in theatre – so that is what I study at the moment – but I would also like to be a physicist (?), shepherd, volunteer abroad and be a teacher in the Dutch language. I enjoy being in Brussels, where I meet new people and visit all musea and theatre plays I can find – but therefore miss all of the plays, parties and events in Amsterdam. I spend time climbing, inside and outside, but what about sailing, ice skating, swimming, dancing and playing the violin?
My problem may seem very superficial and not in face with this society but it’s too deep not to call it a problem. I have a couple of years of university and studying behind me. I like to understand this world yeah ,-) but I feel like completely LOST with my four university degrees behind me! WHAT THE HELL!!! How to feel FREE? My analysis in this is my fascination of overanalysing stuff -> PLEASE HELP ME on my path to simplicity.
I work in theatre and find it getting more difficult production after production. Most of the theatre or stage arts I work with or see is boring and pretentious. Theatre was supposed to be the ultimate form of art, including all possible other arts. Why can’t I see it as such? What should I do?