Collectors’ edition


The Temporary Art Repair Shop challenges the assumption that only wealthy people can own original works of contemporary art, by giving sculptures away for free to anyone engaging in the project. In doing this, I show how coincidence coupled with initiative can sometimes replace the convenience of simply having the means to afford what one desires. However, as the art world is truly governed by money, probably more now than ever before, I have also decided to create a Collectors Edition of items, ideas and designs from the Temporary Art Repair Shop.

at Poppositions art fair 2015, photo by Markus Kersting

at Poppositions art fair 2015, photo by Markus Kersting

The sculptures in this section have three different origins. They are either:

A) a transformed broken object that a collector paid me to turn into art as if in the original workshop concept, with the minor difference that the collector has to compensate the fact that he/she did not attend one of the organized Occasions of the project by paying the due artist’s fee themselves.

B) a broken object from my own studio or home, or that I was given by a friend, which I have transformed outside any of the Workshop Occasions, and thus offer on the free market.

C) a design or idea for a sculpture that came to me while performing the workshop, which I wanted to refine and develop further as a stand alone object. Also offered on the free market.