Evil Eye

Poppy Lloyd came in fairly early before there was so much to see in the gallery and was very enthusiastic about what I was doing. The two objects she gave me were among the ugliest of my whole collection, but I have the feeling she had picked them out as a sort of challenge. Object no 14 was the outer shell of an electrical fake candle. It was a useless part of what had once been a simulacrum, faking the cosiness of evenings at home with lit candles. I had it sitting for a while, trying to come up with something clever to transform it into, but the more I looked at it the more I had the feeling that there was something sinister about it.

The outer shell of a plastic fake candle

More sinister than funny

Instead of changing it I wanted to show its true nature, display it on a pedestal with all its nastiness exposed. I ended up creating quite an elaborate piece, appropriating the style of Goth artists using dripping, black paint over satanic symbols on an old ceramic lamp stand, almost like a theatre stage to influence peoples view of the lost candle I had started with.

An old lamp stand with dribbling black paint over arcane symbols.

Faux Gothic Heavy Metal art.

To further enhance the eerie feeling of an evil object (like objects could have any morals at all) I mounted an elaborate battery driven mechanism inside the lamp stand, faintly illuminating a glowing red eye down in the centre of it, only visible if one peek deep down into the candle. For me the exaggerated visual language, and the post ironical way I use it, is proof of how much our imagination will help fill in to fool us despite our better knowledge, because despite having created it myself, I still feel a bit weird glimpsing it behind my shoulder when I turn around, or leaving it with the internal red light turned on when I leave for the night.

A red eye deep down in the interior of the sculpture.

Object no. 14

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